Bonk, Bonk

Are there people, or situations in your life you feel are there only to make your life hard?

Do you ever sense that Karma is consistently (metaphorically) bonking you over the head?

**Hi Maren, I need you to watch my 8 million kids right away because my regular sitter is dead and by the way I cannot pay you.


**Mrs. Cecil? Remember that very important thing you needed today? And ordered super far in advance so that it would for sure get to you by now? Yeah, discontinued and out of stock. Sorry!


**Hey honey! You know how I go to work everyday? And get paid? um…that’s sort of over.

Bonk! Bonk!

**This is the police. We’d like to ask you a few questions.

 Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

 **Mom? Do you have any money? Say, for, oh I don’t know….maybe a very, large, expensive Biology book I may have lost somewhere about a month ago but was too afraid to tell you about…?

Bonk! Bonk!

**Hey, Maren? Yeah, Guy here at the mechanics shop…how attached are you to this vehicle anyway?

Bonk! Bonk!

 I’m just saying, some days, you could definitlely get a sort of a headache.

This is a personal favorite. It happened between me and a person I am no longer doing business with, and seriously wished I never had to begin with. Don’t worry, if you’re reading this, it isn’t you.

Person: I need to cut my daycare hours because I cannot afford to pay you and by the way, here’s $20. I know I owe you way, way more, but we had to buy a brand new car.


(no kidding, next day)

Person: Hey, I was wrong about cutting the hours, I actually need you to watch them an extra hour every day and I need to add a day. By the way, the dr said all the kids have a very contagious cough.  I will pay you next Friday.


(next friday)

Person:  I forgot! I have to pay rent! And I have a big big car payment! Here’s $50. Thanks for watching them! By the way, did Big Girl throw up? Because, she’d been barfing her guts up all morning, we think she has the flu, it’s going around our family. Bye!


Now, lest you think I am a doormat, just remember, I said this person is no longer a part of my life. I mean, it’s like she carried a Giant (metaphorical) Bat around with her to bonk me with.

There is a wonderful treatment for Bonking. Well, maybe two.

1. A trustworthy headache medicine.

2. Shoes.

One word of warning, just a little heads up sort of…one thing you want to avoid, probably, is yanking the metaphorical bat out of their metaphorical hands and metaphorically bonking the bejeebers out of your bonker.

Trust me on this….it won’t end well.

In the meantime,


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1 Response to Bonk, Bonk

  1. Naquai Nielsen says:

    Um…I’m proud of you for waiting to BONK this person but sheesh! 🙂 You are very tough.

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