Well I don’t even know how I can compete with yesterday’s cuteness. I have nothing anywhere near that adorable in my house:)
Today is Blair’s 100th birthday.
I’m kidding.
He’s 45.
I keep telling the daycare kids he’s 100 and they don’t have the judgement God gave lettuce, so they believe me:)
The conversation went like this:
Me: Tomorrow is Blair’s birthday! Guess how old he’s going to be.
Kids: 50? 12? 24?
Me: No….but close…..he’s going to be….100!
kids: YAY!:)
Blair: No I’m not.
Kids: Yes you are, silly, Maren told us.
Blair: No I’m not, I’m going to be 45.
Kids: (staring in obvious disbelief) You don’t even know how old you are?
Blair: I KNOW how old I am. 45.
Kids: Maren, how come Blair thinks he’s 45?
Me: I have no idea. Maybe he lost track. Sometimes old people have memory problems. Besides, who are you going to believe? Him? or Me? (I said ‘him’ in a low, sketchy voice, as if believing him is definetly out of the question. Then I said ‘me’ in a happy, trustworthy voice.)
Blair: I’m going to be 45!
(me, behind him, shaking me head, ‘no’)
Kids: Blair, you’re so silly:)
You’re welcome honey:)
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!
This is definitely one of your funniest posts. I only wish I could figure out how to use it for Corey who will be turning 50 next month, which really is almost a hundred.
Love it! 🙂