Let’s spice up the day with a riddle.
What do the following things have in common:
gardening wire, J B kwik weld, toothpicks, napkins, superglue gel, blow dryers, and heat shrink tubing?
Here’s a clue:
This could be a real horror story, couldn’t it.
No worries. Miss 3 is still happy and well and has not gotten into any of the things on the above mentioned list. Thank goodness. She did however, break her glasses. Those poor ear pieces could only stand so much chewing and bending.
It was me standing in the garage for an hour and a half using all the things on the list, trying to fix the ear piece of Miss 3’s glasses. My fingertips are so coated in superglue gel that I have no fingerprints, but she is wearing the finished project.
For the next 5 minutes anyway. . . . .