A new book suggestion

Lynn is up to her eyeballs with DI.  Her house is swimming in golf balls, balsa wood, and small children.  The state competition for her two teams is tomorrow! Hopefully she’ll be posting some results tomorrow.

Anyway, in lieu of her DI-madness, I have graciously offered a post on her behalf.

In the middle of this very very busy, hectic week, it seems Lynn actually found time to read a book  (wow!  I, personally, am impressed.)

This is the book she read.  (How did she manage it?  I have always been in awe of her voracious reading habits.)  Lynn described this as a fun, fast read.  She says she liked the marriage tips and it was funny, funny, funny.  It helps a wife look at her husband with a long term perspective, instead of focusing in on annoying little daily habits.  (like toilet seat positioning vs church attendance and kindness.)  She even suggested making a list of your husband’s good qualities and looking at it everyday.

I have to add a personal note here.  A few years ago I was going through a sort of chronically angry at My Dear Husband phase.  I didn’t write it down, but I did make a goal that for every negative thought about him that I noticed I was thinking, I had to stop and think three positive things about him.  It really worked for me and I bet writing it down and looking at it would be even more helpful.

The author also recommends making time to date your husband and even taking a once a year honeymoon.  (I can only dream of the dates and honeymooning, but maybe when Miss 8 turns babysitting age, I can make it happen more often.)

Lynn says it is a really good book but if you read it, put a different cover on it because who knows what your husband’ll think!  (ha ha, I happen to know that her husband actually bought the book for her because he knows she likes the author.)

Anyway, it’s only Friday morning, so take a moment if you can and plan a date with your husband for this weekend.  It’ll make you both happy.  Personally, My Dear Husband will be out of town, so I will be having a date with some deviled eggs.  (yes, you did read that correctly.  Deviled eggs.  He hates them, I love them, so  I will take this opportunity to consume them while he is out of the house.)

And if you get a chance, cross fingers for Lynn and her DI teams.




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