A Little Incident of Dumbness

Today I was a big a dummy.  I say that in all sincerity, so go ahead and mock me. Seriously, I can take it. I post this that you may laugh at my dumbness and feel better about your own.
So yesterday I needed to run a few errands. I needed to drop off bills at the Post Office, drop off CD Books at the library, and stop at another library to pick up a book I had on hold.
I was doing really good at first. I remembered to take the CDs out of the van CD Player and stick them back into the case, just like My Dear Husband reminded me to.
I made sure I had all the bills in a tidy little stack. I drove right to the Post Office and slipped them right into that nice blue drive through drop off box.
Then I went to the first library to pick up the ‘on hold’ book. No problem-o. The girls were still happy. I was still happy.
Then I went to the next library and realized I could only find two of the CD Books. I searched around under the passenger seat and in the back to see if it had slipped down somehow on the drive over to the library. No dice. I looked around, by, and in my purse.
Suddenly, I had a flash of myself holding the CD Book and the bills in the same hand at the Post Office.
Oh no! I must have dropped the CD Book and the bills at the Post Office!
How embarrassing!
I tried to think calmly about what to do. Drive back to the Post Office and ask for help, right? Easy Peasy.
I went into the Post Office, waited in line, explained my problem, and waited out front for a nice lady with a key to come open the drop box for me.

She walked me right out, we opened the box, and. . . . nothing.

No CD Book.

I could see my stack of bills. But nothing else.

The lady was very nice and helpful. She thought maybe it had slipped down under the cart, so she pulled it out to look under. She peered into the slot, to make sure the CD Book case wasn’t somehow stuck in the opening.

She was thorough.

I was stupefied and embarrassed.

I apologized profusely and headed back to the van to find the CD Book sitting in a VERY obvious place in the backseat.


Luckily, I am happy to report, the whole day was not like that the post office incident.  I didn’t lose any kids, burn down the house during dinner, or get taken away in a straight jacket by bedtime. All’s well that ends well.

Except I can never show my face in the Post Office again!


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2 Responses to A Little Incident of Dumbness

  1. Nedra says:

    Carrie, please don’t feel dumb. One morning I realized, as soon as I had pulled the door to my apartment shut, that I’d left the keys lying on the table. I got down in a puddle, in my $250 Saville II suit, to search under the bumper for the extra keys…not there. Went to the back of the car…ditto for the puddle, ditto for the suit, ditto for the not there. Walked (in a dirty, muddy suit) half a block to the gas station. Called my Dad…asked where the keys were hidden. (Under the front bumper.) Went back, down in the puddle gain…still no keys. Knocked on my manager’s door…no answer (sign clearly reading “Office Hours 9:00 – 6:00 p.m.) Waited, irritated that emergencies don’t count with office hours. Finally she came to the door (she apologized, said she’d been in the back and didn’t hear my knock and that I could knock ANY time for something like this.) Went upstairs, she unlocked my door, I thanked her and she left. I went inside, looked on the table….NO KEYS. Looked everywhere. NO KEYS. Looked in my purse…………………KEYS. Sheesh…what a maroon I was!!!

  2. Melody says:

    We all have those days. Glad that you found it!

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