A late start to a busy day

Good Morning Everyone! 

Yes, it’s 10:30 in the morning and I feel compelled to say good morning because I just all too recently pulled myself out of bed.  Tiny Baby was sleeping and so my dear husband, in an effort to be kind to his sleepless wife, tiptoed off to work without saying goodbye.  My big girls don’t have school today, so when I did wake up it was too the sounds of children, racing, screaming, giggling, thumping, and generally wreaking havoc in the kitchen. 

Atleast it was happy havoc.

I lept out of bed, managed to get myself and the girls into clothes and drove off to take Miss 5 and her friend to preschool.  Now I am home for two minutes before I head off to pick Miss 5 up early from preschool and go to parent/teacher conferences.

Do parent/teacher conferences make anyone else nervous?  I find them vaguely unsatisfying.  I have been to a few of them, but I still consider myself an amateur.  Part of my problem is that I never have questions.  The teacher explains how my girl is doing.  I feel pleased that she’s reasonably smart and not a troublemaker.  They show me some projects.  Then they look at me and ask if I have questions.  I’m not sure what questions I should have.  I never have questions.  No questions for the doctor, no questions for teachers, no questions for anyone.

I guess I have a lack of curiosity.

Now, if my Dear Husband were heading into a parent/teacher conference, I bet he would have tons of questions at the ready.  He would know everything about that classroom before he left.  But not me.  I will just listen and leave. 

When I talk to Dear Husband and other interested parties (like grandparents and aunts) they will ask me questions about the classroom and the teacher.  Only then will I realize that I know nothing.  I will realize that I should have asked all kinds of wonderful, probing questions but I missed my chance and all I know is what I knew going in.  The reasonably smart-not a troublemaker stuff. 

I realize I should have posted this sooner.  Then all of you could have helped me with your years of experience and your intelligently worded questions.  Alas, it’s too late.  I’m off to smile, shake hands, and listen awkwardly to my girls’ teachers. 

And after that I have a dentist appointment.  (ugh).

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4 Responses to A late start to a busy day

  1. Granma says:

    From the other side of the desk, as a teacher I am just as nervous doing conferences. My conferences went like this. Hi, here is how your child is doing. Here is a sample of his work, Do you have any questions or concerns? ( Please say no, I probably can’t answer them anyway). From past experience with 6 kids, if there are real concerns either you child will tell you, or the school will call you.

  2. Anna Powell says:

    We have student lead conferences, (unless your child is delayed or is a troublemaker) which is even worse. Your child shows you their projects and theres not a lot of time to ask questions; unless there are no other parents in the room. I much perfer the other style, though I never have any questions either!

    • Carrie says:

      I am happy to report that the conferences went well. The girls are doing great and their teachers were personable. I did not feel uncomfortable. Hurrah!

  3. Kirstine Rash says:

    I never have questions either. No questions means there is nothing to worry about.

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