So, here we are. August. On the one hand, the kids are going back, back, back to school.
On the other hand, the State Licensor is coming tomorrow and the evil licensing fairies have been leaving scissors and choking hazards everywhere!
Let’s start with school. I love my kids. They are the light of my life. Really. They are amazing, smart, good kids whom I just happen to love see start school in the fall. This is the first year that every single one of my kids will attend a full day. No more preschool, no more kindergarten. This is also the year that every single person in my house is registered to start school except me.
That’s right, 7 people, 5 schools. Two kids in two different elementary schools (thank heaven for bussing). Two kids in the local Jr High, one kid in the High School, and one kid and one husband starting at the town’s University.
I will be here, holding down the fort, running the daycare and managing the schedule.
Speaking of daycare, we are back to licensing. I run a nice daycare, full of love, and learning, with age appropriate toys, plugs in every outlet, and doorknob protectors on every door. I keep Lysol, Pinesol and Clorox in business. I watch these little ones like hawks.
The minute it’s time to renew my license, the evil fairies come out of the woodwork. Doors with protectors are left wide open. Scissors ( a giant no-no) are left only where little ones can get them and stab their eyes out or cut their hair off. Yesterday, I walked into the kitchen and found 3 marker lids (I DON’T EVEN OWN MARKERS) on the floor. That my friends, is a choking hazard. Hence the refraining from buying said markers. sheesh!
By the way, if any licensors, or State employees are reading this, I can assure you that my house is Safety Mecca now. I have threatened my children, shut every door, and am constantly on the prowl with my State Approved choking tube in hand, while actively and in person supervising the crap out of these cute little people.
For the rest of you, I admit, I hate this time of year. It freaks me out. It’s like:
Official Person suddenly in charge of my life, Please come to my house and tell me everything I’m doing wrong in a mean way. Then, write it down please, so I can have it to remember always.
I know that other daycare providers suffer similarly. We have met, and shared stories. We know we want to be in this profession. We are brave in the face of poop, barf, and lunch served to 15.
We are sissies in the face of Licensing.
I just printed the Annual Announced Inspection Checklist and plan to use it, spending the day torturing my family.
Tomorrow, he comes.
May the Force be with me.
I love you! You are great! 🙂
Best of luck to you today, Maren! You run a great daycare and while I know it’s a headache, I very much appreciate all you do 🙂 Joshua gets excited every morning that he realizes it’s a day he gets to go to your house. Thanks for being a great light in my kid’s life 🙂